See the pie chart below. This is reprinted from, though you can find it in many other reputable places as well. As you can see, 46.4 percent do not pay federal income tax, making

Romney's 47 percent figure only a slight exaggeration. Of that number, almost all of them were not paying income tax because they are either old or poor. Most of the non payers (28.3%) are employed and are paying federal withholding tax for Social Security and Medicare. The next largest group (10.3%) are senior citizens, most of them on Social Security. A smaller slice (6.9%) is made up of people earning less than $20,000. These working poor are frequently part of the Earned Income Tax Credit, a bipartisan program passed with considerable Republican support to make sure gainful employment pays more than "welfare" in order to get people off public assistance. Only a tiny fraction (0.9%) are those who do not pay income taxes and are neither elderly nor poor. And some of these, (an estimated 35,000 in 2009), were not stereotypical "poor moochers" but more like rich avoiders, people earning over $200,000 who took advantage of shelters and deductions to avoid paying.
As often occurs with conservative scapegoat references, the facts and numbers simply do not substantiate Mitt Romney's erroneously skewed stereotypical references. Sadly, I have seldom seen the truth persuade people of his world view to change their biased preconceptions. For those of you amenable to reason, however, you now have the facts to refute the common plutocratic and Tea Party picture of what nearly half the American people are like.
1 comment:
I am sick of Mr. Romney.
Sick of hearing him.
Sick of hearing about him.
Sick of seeing him.
I am part of Mr. Romney's 53%.
I have worked hard all my life.
I have never received food stamps, but never begrudged helping those who needed them.
I have never needed to use unemployment insurance, but never thought it "wrong" to use something that individuals pay into for just such emergencies.
I have never used Medicare, but believe it is a good system I have paid for and that, with careful management, will be there when I need it.
I have yet to take social security, but have paid into it my whole working life and expect and demand that it be there for me and for my children and grandchildren.
I am sick of Mr. Romney.
His vision of America is NOT mine.
And want him to go very far away very very soon.
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