Sunday, September 30, 2012

Debate Watch Event

I would like to invite everyone to join me in viewing the upcoming presidential debate this Wednesday and having a discussion afterward.  The Tulare County Democratic Central Committee has asked me to moderate their debate watch, and if you are in the area you are welcome to come.

The first of three debates between President Obama and Governor Romney will take place on Wednesday the third at 6:00 P.M. Pacific time.  The Central Committee's campaign office has a 60-inch flat screen set up for the debate which is scheduled to last 90 minutes.  When it ends at 7:30 I'll give my own recap and analysis and then invite questions or comments from the audience.  I plan to ask those who wish to contribute to keep the language clean and the demeanor appropriate for a gathering of respectable citizens.  I anticipate wrapping things up by 8:00.

The Central Committee's office is located at 1616 W. Mineral King Blvd. in Visalia, about two blocks east of Marie Callendar's Restaurant.  They have some free campaign materials and others (particularly the Obama items) for purchase, and will gladly accept donations.  There will be free hot dogs, and light refreshments for those like myself who will  be missing dinner to attend.  If you can make it I hope to see you there!

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