Thursday, April 3, 2014

Don't Buy from the Kochs

You may have heard of the Koch brothers. Charles and David Koch (pronounced like “coke”) are heirs to one of the largest fortunes in the world.  Koch Industries, which began in oil refining and branched out into a diversified conglomerate, earns revenue in excess of a hundred billion dollars a year.  Company founder Fred Koch was an early member of the John Birch Society, an ultra-right-wing conspiracy theorist organization.  The Koch's network of foundations gives hundreds of millions a year to Republican, Libertarian and Tea Party causes, think tanks and candidates, with such goals as destroying workers’ union rights, gutting consumer protections, rolling back environmental safeguards, privatizing Medicare and Social Security and repealing Obamacare.  

The recent Citizens United  and McCutcheon Supreme Court decisions have greatly amplified the amount of political influence peddling their organizations can do.  The last thing a Democrat or progressive person should want to do is buy products that make the Kochs even richer so they can contribute even more to right-wing causes.  The link below will take you to a list of Koch Industries consumer products.  You can help the cause simply by not buying these items. 

Koch Industries consumer brands.

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