Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obama In Trouble

The sudden appearance of three clips of Chicago Minister Rev. Jeremiah Wright's more disagreeable ravings presented Barack Obama with a serious problem. Obama was married by and had his children baptized by Wright and has attended his church for 20 years when at home in Chicago. To what extent, it is being asked, does Obama share the views presented in the clips, including the legacy of bitterness, of conspiracy paranoia, and of a desire to see God damn America?

To his credit, Obama used the opportunity to respond in a way emblematic of his campaign. His speech "A More Perfect Union" was probably the most honest ever given by an American politician on the topic of black-white relations. He took both big-picture and intimate looks, incisively understanding and explaining the feelings that motivate people of both groups. He called authentically for a new level of comprehension, for an empathy and commitment to responsibility that can help society better bridge the divide and move the nation forward on a host of fronts. This is all good.

Politically, though, Obama neglected to do one thing. He neglected to exile Wright to St. Helena or the far side of the moon. He neglected to kick Wright under the bus. And he needed to. Yes, he said he disagreed with the tone and opinions shown in these three clips. Yes, Rev. Wright no longer occupies an official position within the Obama campaign as spiritual adviser or anything else. But no, he could not disavow the man entirely. And that is a problem.

That is a problem because for most Americans, those three video clips are all they know about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. They will hear him screaming "God damn America!" in their memories for the rest of their lives. Most Americans do not like to hear people say things like that about their country. Most cannot fathom how someone who wants to be their president would want anything to do with a person who apparently feels that way. I am not talking just of partisan Republicans who have seized on this incident to attack Obama. A woman in my area, a registered Democrat, announced she would no longer serve as an Obama delegate at the convention this summer in Denver as a result of this. I am sure she is not alone.

Barack Obama is running for president. He is now in the big leagues; this is not patty cake. He ought to have distanced himself from this man as though he were radioactive. He will need to "clarify" his position vis a vis the Rev. Wright, and he should do it as soon as possible. The Republicans and their allied media outlets and 527 groups will most assuredly destroy him otherwise.

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