Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Gratitude List

I'll be travelling out of town with my wife for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure when I'll have a chance to blog before Friday, so I'll devote this space to what we are supposed to be doing at this time of year, counting our blessings. A gratitude list is a healthy thing. It's a good antidote for a negative attitude, which is something I do not want to have.

I'm thankful for
A wonderful wife who is still my best friend after 31 years,
Two fine grown daughters who love their parents, and
A full-time job doing what I love.

I'm thankful that
It seems they got the prostate cancer and it hasn't returned.
I am on good terms with my three sisters.
I have had a chance to see much of the US and a bit of Europe.

I'm grateful
I live in a country with so many freedoms.
I am pretty happy most of the time.
I get to associate with so many fine colleagues and students at work.

I'm grateful that
I've gotten to see the Dodgers win 5 World Championships and the Lakers 8 of them.
My parents pulled themselves up from impoverished childhoods and gave my sisters and me support and a chance.
George W. Bush has less than two more months in office.

I'm thankful that
We have good health insurance.
We can afford to pay our mortgage.
Visalia is such a nice city.

I'm thankful for,
Thanksgiving, turkeys, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, friendship and love.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Paul Myers said...

I'm thankful for your friendship.

Steve Natoli said...

Me too, webfoot. Let's get together sometime soon.