Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2015 Gratitude List

Gratitude list for 2015:

Daughter Marie is expecting and due at the end of June with our first grandchild!
Joan and I celebrated our 38th anniversary this August. What a blessing to have her in my life.
Joan and I and daughter Jeanette had a wonderful vacation to Canada, including Montreal, Niagara Falls and Quebec this summer.
We are blessed with dear siblings, including my sisters Sue, Gina and Toni and Joan's sisters Carol and Paula.
We have terrific in-laws too: Marie's husband Robert, Robert's parents Marcia and John, Carol's husband Paul and Paul's dad Hal.
I completed my sixteenth year at College of the Sequoias, a good place to work, with colleagues and students I enjoy. This was my 33rd year as a full-time educator, counting my 17 years at Cucamonga Middle School.
I published my first book this year, Liberally Speaking. I've had a lot of fun having book appearances, signings and discussions.
Though we both have been presented with some new dietary limitations, Joan and I continue to enjoy good health.
I am really enjoying my new car, a Subaru Forester.
It was great to see the LGBT community win marriage equality this year.
It's been very gratifying to see the economic recovery gather momentum this year, with real progress on jobs, the unemployment rate and the lowest gas prices in years.
I am grateful a climate accord was reached in Paris this month. It wasn't as much as is needed but it's the first serious, truly global step in the right direction.
I'm grateful to have been able to play more golf this year and make more friends on the course.
The invention of Facebook has made it easier to keep up better with friends and relatives.
I'm grateful to have made it through another year!

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