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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Is This the Best We Can Do?

Fellow Visalian Bill Osak did some research on the lamentable record of our local U.S. Representative, Devin Nunes, who has been our congressman since 2002.  Bill circulated the message below and I felt it interesting enough to secure his permission to post it on this blog.  I've done just a bit of light editing.
Former Republican Senator Alan K. Simpson wrote, in a criticism of fellow Republicans, "If you want to be a purist, go somewhere on a mountaintop and praise the east or something.  But if you want to be in politics, you learn to compromise.  And you learn to compromise on the issue without compromising yourself.  Show me a guy who won't compromise and I'll show you a guy with rock for brains."
It's election time and where does our representative, Devin Nunes stand?
A less than average voting record shows that our representative voted against the Home Affordable mortgage program and voted against anti-recession stimulus funding. At the same time he voted against monitoring the TARP funds to ensure mortgage relief. Our representative voted against the auto bailout and against regulating the subprime mortgage industry responsible for the biggest equity loss in American history. Yet he expends political capital by strongly supporting an unlikely constitutional amendment to ensure marriage is between one man and one woman. He did not support funding for green public schools or federal funding for education. So where does he stand on energy issues that impact our wallet? Well, he voted against tax credits or incentives for renewable energy production and conservation efforts. He also voted NO on criminalizing oil cartels like OPEC that “fix” prices. It is interesting, though, he would not remove oil and gas exploration subsidies to companies having huge profits. His vision includes more off-shore drilling and more nuclear plants. Supporting Amtrak is not his style as well. He consistently votes against Amtrak funding for improvements and operation. While he has voted against education funding, he also has voted against assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization. This is an odd position since he has favored several open trade treaties in South America that allow cheap goods to be imported and jobs exported. He is against “police state” union organizing, increasing the minimum wage, and any extension of unemployment benefits.
So what has he done to court favor here in the heartland of the valley? Depending on your station in life, different opinions will arise regarding his continued support of the Ryan budget plan, changing Medicare to a voucher program, and continuing the Bush tax and spending cuts that benefit the wealthy. One might think that since his district suffers economically, he would support expanding the Children Health Insurance Program and increase eligibility of the children in his district. But alas, his votes did not reflect that. Though the Medicare population here has similar economic issues, our representative has sided instead with corporate profit by voting against “negotiated Rx prices”while reducing Medicare prescription drug benefits.
It is a surprising fact that he voted NO to increasing the funds for waterway infrastructure from $4.9 billion to $23 billion. Apparently, water issues are not all that important to him.
Supporters often cite his strength in foreign affairs. After all, he has voted NO on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan, NO on getting out of Iraq, YES on declaring Iraq part of the war on terror, (thus starting 2 wars that can demonstrate American superiority.) He voted NO on supporting democratic institutions in Pakistan but supported foreign arms transfers to China. More worrisome is his YES vote on supporting Israel unconditionally. He votes consistently to stop funding for National Public Radio, is against gun registration, but supports photo IDs in federal elections.
So do YOU have a representative that reflects the wants and needs here in the valley? The “fiscal cliff” in January is looming and our representative played a role in the last downgrade of the US dollar.
I suggest that you look at Otto Lee , successful businessman and Iraq veteran as the alternative choice. Mr. Nunes, who has missed more votes than the average congressman, does not represent us nor has he been successful as a congressman. The above represents the votes that Nunes has taken since 2006. If you are happy with his inability to be effective, vote. If you do not like his positions, vote for Lee. We need to have a voice at the table and not someone who fits Alan Simpson's description. See the website http://ottoforcongress.org/about.html for more information.
Devin Nunes has a $2 million fund and is so confident of his re-election that little effort is being made here in his district. The only way to rock the boat and let him know change is needed is to get the word out and let people know there really is a good choice this time around. Circulate this email if you agree.

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