"Liberally Speaking" Video


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Swing States Swing Back to Democrats

First, the Great Lakes big three:

PA: Dems flipped the governorship, gained 4 House seats, and won the Senate contest!
MI: Dems flipped the governorship, gained two House seats, and won the Senate contest!
WI: Dems flipped the governorship, gained no House seats, and won the Senate contest!

The biggest swing state:

FL: Reps appear to have kept the governorship by .41%, Dems gained 3 House seats, Reps appear to have flipped the Senate contest by .15 of a percent.

The second biggest swing state:

OH: Reps kept the governorship, the heavily gerrymandered House seats remained unchanged, Dems won the Senate contest.

Smaller swing states:

NH: Reps kept the governorship, Dems kept both House seats, no Senate race.
NV: Reps kept the governorship, House stayed the same, Dems flipped a Senate seat.
IO: Reps kept the governorship, Dems flipped 2 House seats, no Senate contest.
MN: Dems won governor, gained 2 House seats, lost 2 House seats, and won both Senate contests.

Other notable developments: Senate

Dems flipped a Senate seat in Arizona.
Reps defeated incumbent Senate Dems in the Red states of Missouri, Indiana and North Dakota.

Other notable developments, House pickups by states not mentioned above:

VA +3 , GA 1, ME 1, NJ 4!, IL 2, KS 1, TX 2, NY 3, OK 1!, CO 1, NM 1, UT 1?, CA 4-6!, WA 1.